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The Most Comprehensive
Work Placement, Employer Engagement, Careers,
& Enrichment Platform

Work and Industry Placements
T Levels
Employer Engagement Activities
Enrichment, tutorials and extra-curricular
Target setting and achievement
Careers, LMI and Gatsby Tracking
Employer Engagement CRM
Extra-curricular Activities
Digital EHCP

Manage all Non-Academic Activity in a Single Space.

Navigate is trusted by over 90 colleges across the country to record, manage and evidence
all non-academic activities.

The platform provides an engaging, easy-to-use learner site and a powerful, intuitive administration platform for staff.

Work and Industry Placements

Navigate makes it easy to manage college work and industry placement programmes, by:


  • Providing learners with an engaging, mobile-friendly platform that helps them to prepare for placement, evidence activity and receive feedback from employers.


  • Automating important elements of the placement process such as employer communications, saving time for placement teams and employers.


  • Providing placement coordinators with a clear view of important tasks that need completing.


  • Supporting effective tracking of employers' details, including important H&S information and insurance compliance.


  • Delivering essential data for funding and inspection purposes.

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Navigate captures every aspect of the college enrichment programme, by:


  • Making it easy for learners to record all of their college-based and external enrichment, tutorial and extra-curricular activity.


  • Measuring the impact the college non-academic programme is having on learners skills development through an engaging psychometric assessment.​


  • Encouraging learners to add photos, documents and other supporting evidence to the activities they record.


  • Allowing staff to quickly add enrichment activities against groups of learners.


  • Providing clear impact data to evidence the ‘Personal Development’ Ofsted inspection theme.

Employer Engagement

Navigate is the only platform that manages all employer engagement activity, by:


  • Allowing learners to easily evidence the employer-led activities in which they participate.


  • Enabling colleges to record learner attendance at cross-college events, including careers fairs and employer talks.


  • Providing a comprehensive Employer Engagement CRM for all college teams

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T Levels & Study programme... we've got it covered!

With increasingly rigorous requirements for tracking and evidencing T Level and Study Programme work/ industry placements and wider enrichment activity, you need a platform that can be trusted to provide clear data fo inspection and audit purposes.


With this in mind, Navigate provides bespoke data transfer processes into college MIS systems.


This includes direct links between Navigate and the college databases, allowing management teams to access critical funding and inspection data with ease.


Click icons to learn more

T Level Case Study 
Harrow & Uxbridge College (HCUC)

Study Programme Case Study
RNN Group

Ready to talk to colleagues about Navigate?

Click to download & share our staff quick guides...

Morgan James, NY

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Navigate Learning 2025 ï½œ Privacy Policy

Office 108, Bicester Innovation Centre
Commerce House
Telford Road

OX26 4LD

Fern Maxwell
Account Manager

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